Israel Properties
Real estate experts and real estate services

Israel Properties Ltd invite you to contemplate a variety of unique projects, among the best located property in the beautiful city of Tel Aviv.

The group now manage a portfolio of more than 300 housing units, variety of exclusive projects including :

Eliphelet 26 | Allenby 9 | Shlomo Ha Melech 87 | Arc of the sea | Blue Tel Aviv | Boutique W | W Tower | Yoo Tower | Amihai Paglin 7 | Rothschild 17 | Gimnasia Tower | Remez Tower | Arlozorov 17 | Herbert Samuel 10 | Rothschild 1 | Rothschild 30 | Akirov Tower |also downtown Tel Aviv and more …

Each project reflects the outstanding signing of different promoters, remarkable architecture, an impressive interior design and use of the most advanced materials.




We will also be on hand to do all kinds of applications for the purchase of property in Israel, as of course in Tel Aviv, and perhaps also on our incredible Jerusalem, Herzliya Pituah, Bat Yam and many other places …

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